![]() News Items June 3, 2023 - Folks, it's been a while since we posted news on Qilan. With the release of Apple M series machines we have had to do a lot of work.
Qilan 4 beta is being tested and runs on macOS Ventura. We also have been able to deploy Qilan projects on Linux. Still some stuff to work out.
April 6, 2020 - Qilan and Qilan Lite 3.5.1 released. This a $129 upgrade for current users of Qilan. Version 3.5.1 can be downloaded (along with the Registration installer), from our download page. Nov 10, 2014 - Qilan and Qilan Lite 3.3.8 released. This a free upgrade for current users of Qilan. Mar 14, 2014 - Qilan and Qilan Lite 3.3.7 released. This a free upgrade for current users of Qilan. Mar 21, 2013 - Qilan and Qilan Lite 3.3 released. This a $129 upgrade for current users of Qilan. October 9, 2009 - Qilan and Qilan Lite 3.2 released. This a $99 upgrade for current users of Qilan. Version 3.2 can be downloaded (along with the Registration installer), from our download page. Qilan is fully compatible with Mac OS X 10.6. Qilan has been rebuilt using JNI. Webtemplate exports are significantly faster and memory management has been improved. There are number of new features including check for Qilan updates, new operators. and a find function. Please refer to the release notes. October 17, 2007 - Qilan and Qilan Lite 3.1 released. This a $99 upgrade for current users of Qilan. Version 3.1 can be downloaded (along with the Registration installer), from our download page. January 8, 2007 - Qilan and Qilan Lite 3.0.8 released. This upgrade includes our new Qilan Database Manager (QDBM) application that provides a graphic user interface (GUI) for setup and configuration of Apache Derby and other supported databases. Installation will also configure Apache Tomcat and Apache Derby 10.2. Apache Derby, an Apache DB subproject, is a relational database implemented entirely in Java and available under the Apache License. The combination now effectively provides the GUI and components needed to create, configure and run JSP pages, to create and run SQL, and a quality SQL database engine. Qilan Lite is free. Pricing information for a registered version is on our Sales page. October 21, 2005 - Qilan and Qilan Lite 3.0 released. Qilan Lite is free. Pricing information for a registered version is on our Sales page. Qilan v3 allows the developer to use open source engines, i.e., Tomcat, to execute webtemplates. One advantage is that these engines run on a variety of operating systems. Web applications developed with version 3 are cross platform, however the Development application is native to OS X. Support for JSP is a major new feature. JSP is a widely accepted technology and supported by thousands of developers and users worldwide. There are many websites devoted to JSP which offer advice and freeware extensions, all of which can easily be incorporated into version 3. The most exciting aspect of version 3 is the ease with which JSP can be created. As with previous versions of Qilan, it is not necessary to learn or use a programming syntax to be productive. Qilan tags are used to generate the necessary JSP automatically. Our roots are in the developer community, and with version 3, developers can serve a wider array of customers.
If you are interested in trying out our new version, it can be downloaded from here: March 26, 2005 - Qilan version 3 is now beta and ready for testing. Version 3 enables the developer to export webtemplates as Java Server Pages (JSP). February 19, 2004 - Qilan 2.8.1 released. This is a free maintenance release for registered users. Qilan 2.8.1 is available in our download area. ReadME file (.pdf) for the changes. November 14, 2003 - Qilan 2.8 is our Panther compatible version and has a number of new features. Free time limited trial versions are available. Upgrade pricing is on our Sales page. Press Release. April 16, 2003 - Qilan 2.7.1 released. This is a free maintenance release for registered users. January 28, 2003 - Qilan 2.7 is released. Free time limited trial versions are available. This version is compatible with Mac OS X 10.2 (Jaguar). January 21, 2003 - Qilan 2.7b17 is released as a time limited public beta. This version is compatible with Mac OS X 10.2 (Jaguar). December 17, 2002 - Qilan 2.7b3 is released as a time limited public beta. Press Release. This version is compatible with Mac OS X 10.2 (Jaguar). June 24, 2002 - Qilan 2.6.1 is available. April 21, 2002 - We have posted information about Qilan training in June. April 6, 2002 - Qilan 2.5.1 is available. March 15, 2002 - Qilan 2.5 is available. January 8, 2002 - We have special pricing available in conjunction with MacWorld San Francisco. January 2, 2002 - Qilan 2.4 is available. Informix has been added as a supported database. We expect to announce some MacWorld special pricing shortly. December 21, 2001 - Qilan 2.3.2.is available. Oracle is added as supported database. Fields now support BLOB (Binary Large Object) and CLOB (Character Large Object) November 9, 2001 - Qilan 2.2 is available. The Press Release gives a summary of the new features 5/17/2001 - Qilan 2.0 is available. The Press Release gives a summary of the new features 5/1/2001 - Qilan 2.0 beta 5 for OS X is available. The latest Qilan 2.0 manual draft is posted as a pdf file in our support area. 1/31/2001 - We have reduced pricing for Qilan 2.0. 1/25/2001 - A beta version of Qilan for OS X public beta has been posted in our download area. It is an early beta and not yet feature complete. Adapters for Frontbase and Openbase are provided. We expect Qilan 2.0 to add significant new features and adapters for new databases. Please see the installation notes in our download area. 1/23/2001 - We are planning a three day Qilan training session in April. Training Information. 1/15/2001 - We' demonstrated our current Qilan beta for Mac OS X public beta at MacTech Central during MacWorld San Francisco. Press release. 10/6/2000 - Qilan version 1.2 posted along with an updated manual.. New features and improvements. Press Release. Details are provided in the ReadMe .pdf file. 7/26/2000 - Qilan version 1.1.2 (bug fix release) posted. 7/24/2000 - Updated Qilan 1.1.0 manual posted on our Support page. 7/17/2000 - Qilan 1.1.0 is available. We also have a database adaptor for Oracle. A time limited demo is available. Our pricing information provides the options for Qilan purchase. We will be showing the latest version of Qilan in the FrontBase booth (#1631) at MacWorld New York. Press Release. 5/18/2000 - Qilan 1.0.1 is available. Press Release 5/7/2000 - Qilan 1.0.0 is available. 5/1/2000 - Qilan - 1.0b6.36 is available. Documentation is available. 4/26/2000 - Qilan - 1.0b5.35 is available. 4/25/2000 - Qilan - 1.0b4.34 is available 4/23/2000 - Qilan - 1.0b3.33 is available. Documentation updates will follow shortly. 4/21/2000 - We are hopefully in our last rounds of bug fixes and testing for the initial release of Qilan. We expect to have an outstanding limited time offer for folks who purchase our Qilan Developer/Engine "kit". Purchasers will have a choice of either of two comprehensive modern database SQL engines included at no additional charge:
Our thanks to both Frontbase and Openbase for this arrangment. We expect that the Qilan Helix adapter will be provided for an extra charge and will include a 5 user version of the Osmosis gateway. 4/17/2000 - Qilan - 1.0b2.32 is available. We used the newest beta during our April 15 and 16 training session. The results looked great! Thanks to all who attended. .3/22/2000 - We will be providing Qilan training for a small group during the weekend of April 15 and 16, 2000. The training will be located at our offices in Middleborough, MA. 3/21/2000. A revised time limited public beta of Qilan - 1.0b1.27 is available from our downloads page. 1/5/2000 - A beta version of our OS X Server product Qilan was demonstrated at MacWorld SF 2000. 12/27/1999 - Press Release |