First the legal stuff:
CommonGround Softworks Inc. shall not, in any event, be liable for any damages incurred by use of this software, including damages due to lost or destroyed data, databases or programs, lost profits or any special, contigent, incidental or consequential damages.
For our Helix users, versions 3.5.x does not support Helix. Versions 3.3 through 3.1 include the Helix adapter (JSP only) and requires purchase of CallHelix 2.1. Versions 3.2 and 3.1 do NOT support cgi/fcgi. Version 3.0.x (registered) continues to support the Osmosis Gateway for Helix versions 5.x. using cgi/fcgi. JSP pages require the use of CallHelix 2.1 or greater. A discounted bundle price for Call Helix is available courtesy Autograph Systems and provided through our sales team. Please see our sales page..
We ask you to provide an email in case of a "bad news" release. Our privacy policy is simple. We don't sell information. We'd rather not send you any email notices at all. We suggest signing up on the Qilan list if you would like notices.
04/06/20 - Qilan 3.5.1 released. Requires OSX 10.11 or later.
11/10/14 - Qilan 3.3.08 released. Requires OSX 10.8 or later.
3/14/14 - Qilan 3.3.07 released. Requires OSX 10.8 or later. Updated scripts (GNU license) for Helix Server are in our FTP area.
12/6/13 - Qilan 3.3.06 released. Requires OSX 10.8 or later. Adds support for Helix Server 3.2. MySQL fixes. See the release notes for additional information.
7/12/13 - Qilan 3.3.05 released. Added HTML5 support.Extensive logging for both Qilan functions and SQL including configuration via file (/WEB-INF/classes/logging.xml).
3/21/13 - Qilan 3.3 released. Qilan developer requires Mac OS X 10.7 or newer. Please refer to the release notes.
10/9/09 - Qilan 3.2 released. Qilan is fully compatible with Mac OS X 10.6. Qilan has been rebuilt using JNI. Webtemplate exports are significantly faster and memory management has been improved. There are number of new features including check for Qilan updates, new operators. and a find function. Please refer to the release notes.
10/17/07 - Qilan 3.1 released. Incorporates charting frameworks from Cewolf. Qilan users can now easily create over 20 chart types including line, pie, bar, plot, timeseries, gantt and xy. Qilan Data Base Manager (QDBM) has been enhanced and now supports data import for Apache Derby. Apache Derby updated.
10/21/05 - Qilan 3.0 released. Foxpro added as a supported database. Qilan Lite (unregistered version of Qilan) is a free download. Web Templates can be exported as Java Server Pages (JSP). Using Tomcat, web content can be served cross-platform.
03/26/05 - Commenced Public beta of Qilan v3.